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Friday 2 March 2012Y
Games consoles in the classroom.

Gaming can provide an opportunity to introduce educational and playful elements into the learning environment. For this to happen however, there need to be clear objectives of what the game is intended to help teach, develop or inspire.  With computer-aided learning programs, teachers may assist students on social aspects such as critical learning, knowledge based communication and effective interpersonal skills that traditional methods of teaching cannot offer.  The use of computer games in education is not to replace more traditional methods of teaching and learning, rather to support and enhance these methods in a ways that are more in line with the ways today’s learner explores, outside the formal educational setting.

02:01 Photobucket
Friday 17 February 2012Y
In ICT dying for a hot chocolate.

Last week we had a debate titled: Should games be incorperated into the classroom as an alternative way of learning? Or something along those lines.
I was on the pro gaming in education side.
It was a formal debate; each side was given 5 minutes exactly each to propose their arguments. The pro gaming side went first for 5 minutes and then the con gaming in education side argued against them for 5 minutes. After each 5 minutes each side was allowed a few minutes to prepared their argument before the next 5 minutes of debate.
Once debating time had ended each side has 10 minutes to prepare their rebuttal which they would then present to the judges. The judges then decided on a winning side; it was the pro gaming side that won this time.
I thought the debate was a great way of getting the ideas across and it was a good way to see both positive and negative effects of gaming in education. Before the debate I was not so fussed about bringing gaming into education even though I am an avid gamer myself but as a result of being on the pro gaming in education side it opened my eyes to the potential it's got in our education system. I now think that it is a great idea and if it's done well it will be a massive success and possibly revolutionise our education system today.

02:22 Photobucket
Friday 27 January 2012Y
What is a game?

The basic definition of a game is an activity that provides entertainment and/or amusement.
There is an infinite amount of games, and there are many different types. Nowadays video and computer games rule the media and home life but back throughout the ages board games and social games were all that were available.
Key components of games are goals, rules, challenge, and interaction. Games generally involve mental or physical stimulation, and often both. Many games help develop practical skills, serve as a form of exercise, or otherwise perform an educational, simulational, or psychological role.

03:20 Photobucket
Tuesday 17 January 2012Y
Opinion of computer gaming.

As I have grown up in an age of computers, I am very aware of and enjoy playing computer games. In my opinion there are two types of comupter games - online and offline games. Online games are obviously games that are available and played online with an internet connection and offline games are games that are on disk and can be bought from gaming stores.
From personal experience I have found some online games such as MMORPGs to be too engrossing and addictive. In school I had several friends who would spend countless hours playing online with each other, spending time on games rather than on school work and so they fell behind with school work.
Some offline games also have the same effect such as XBOX360 and PlayStation3 games. I also have some experience where friends have spent countless hours on them, neglecting their work and friends to play on these games.

07:08 Photobucket
Wednesday 11 May 2011Y
ICT Assignment - Complete!

Wahoo I've finished my ICT Assignment! Finally omg.
My final piece is done.
My sketchbook is done.
My written part is done!
Everything still needs a little tidying up to make it 100% ready to give in though of course!

Here are some photos!

* Sketchbook Art*

* Final Piece * 



07:27 Photobucket
Thursday 5 May 2011Y
ICT Assignment: Inspiration

To gain ideas over the past few months I have been researching artists & fashion designers. I have looked at many artists & fashion designers such as:

♥ Tim Walker
♥ Vivienne Westwood
♥ Richard Billingham
♥ William Tempest 
♥ Issey Miyake
♥ Nan Goldin
♥ Nigel Barker
♥ Celia Birtwell

My main ideas have come from looking at Tim Walker, Vivienne Westwood, Richard Billingham and Nan Goldin. In my sketchbook I have done more research on these artists/fashion designers.

♥ Tim Walker 

Tim Walker is a British fashion photographer has helped me very much on the fashion side of my ideas.  At the age of 25 he shot his first fashion story for Vogue, and has photographed for the British, Italian, and American editions ever since. 

'Lily Cole and Giant Fish'

'The Dress Tree Lamp'

In 'Lily Cole and Giant Fish' I love how Walker has used a scene (in this case it's catching a fish) and how he has items and objects all relating to the scene scattered around the picture somewhere just to complete the effect it has and make it even more special. I hope to incorporate this effect into my final piece.
In the second picture 'The Dress Tree Lamp' I like how Walker has incorporated fashion into this scene. Walker is very creative and imaginative and he has given me a few little ideas which I can add into my own work.

 ♥ Vivienne Westwood 

Known for her punky style, Vivienne Westwood is one of the most famous fashion designers in the world. In a Vogue article she once said "Times may always be hard but British fashion has always been eclectic". This statement really opened my mind and gave me some inspiration as to what I could do for my final piece. Her 2009 collection was called "Make Do and Mend" and it was about Eco-Fashion. This new collection inspired many others and Vogue published an article all about Eco-Fashion. Here's the link.
Designs from Peter Jensen, Tim Walker, William Tempest.

 I LOVE this one. ^

This Vogue article has been a great help to me when it comes to brainstorming ideas, not only has it help me towards thinking of an idea for my final piece but I may go on to make some of my own Eco-Fashion clothes! Maybe not so eccentric though...

Richard Billingham 

Richard Billingham is an English photographer and contemporary artist who is best known for his book Ray's A Laugh which documents the life of his alcoholic father Ray and obese, heavily tattooed, mother Liz.

Billingham's work seems to be just 'a day in the life' sort of thing, featuring fairly normal pictures of his family. It is because of that fact is why I like his work so much, there may not be a lot of effort involved in his work but it's very personal and filled with emotion and experience. This has inspired me greatly.

Nan Goldin 

Nan Goldin is an American photographer. The main themes of her pictures are love, gender, domesticity, and sexuality. Her photographs, like Richard Billingham's are taken with available light, meaning that no additional light sources are used to enhance the photograph; the photographer would only use what light is available, e.g. from the sun, light of a room, etc. I think this is why I like Billingham's and Goldin's photos so much, because they look real, they have a story, experience and emotions.

After looking at these artists and fashion designers work it has greatly help me develop my ideas and understanding. I will be now continuing with my sketchbook and working towards my final piece with my newly found ideas in mind.

06:50 Photobucket
ICT Assignment: Update

Okay so I've had an idea for my final piece.
I really enjoy photography and fashion so I've decided to combine the two ideas for my final piece.
I decided to use photography in my assignment as personally I think I have a better eye for it than for something like drawing or painting. I think it's a lot more enjoyable and relaxing and it can be fun to edit photos.
Also I LOVE fashion, I am always buying new clothes, reading what's hot and what's not this season and I follow a few fashion blogs too. I am quite the girly-girl, I love my dresses and make up and nail art and all things pretty so I decided to incorporate all these things into my sketchbook and final piece.  
I am currently still working on my sketchbook, it's coming along okay but I am having difficulty with drawing as I am not very good at it.
I have also done some research on some artists who use photography and also some fashion designers, but it's hard to find anyone who combines the two areas. Luckily I've had a little bit of inspiration from looking at these artists & fashion designers and I've had a few ideas on how to combine the two areas.
Once my sketchbook is finished I'll (hopefully) have a much clearer picture of this idea I've had for my final piece.

05:08 Photobucket